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Hafele’s New Experience Center In Hyderabad Dons Aludecor Wabi Sabi To Create A Vision of an Unrivaled Environment

This showroom was specially made for the Indian subsidiary of the German multinational company Hafele. This outlet will serve more as a company-owned design Centre. The wide range of Hafele products and appliances are displayed here to give the customers a unique involvement of seeing, touching, and experiencing the complete offering from the brand before they finalize the purchase.

The client brief was to create a matchless, state of the art Experience Center, which will provide the visitor with a distinctive customer experience. There was no specific preference from the client’s side for the use of any materials. All the creative decisions are taken by us as designers for the project.

Interior cladding done using Wabi Sabi ACP Sheets in Hafele Showroom
Hafele’s New Experience Center in Hyderabad Cladded with Aludecor Wabi Sabi Series ACP Sheets
Ar Ketan Chavan Principal Architect KCL Design Architecture Mumbai

While planning about the perfect interior cladding material, I thought of using ACP as I was looking for a durable material. I have used ACP before in my other projects and have experienced the fact that it’s a reasonably strong and long-lasting item for retail and residential consumption. Ease of use as the material has been around for a while now and hence it’s a tried and tested material for interior cladding. One of its two finest uniqueness was its bendability aspect and its ability to curve smoothly, to avoid edges.

Hence it was easy to find the right contractors to execute my vision and make it a reality.

Read also: The Space Story: Wabi Sabi Series adds Quintessential Charm to Tata Steel’s Corporate Office Space

Wabi Sabi Series ACP sheet interior cladding in Hafele Showroom
Cladded with Aludecor MA-10 Antiq Slate of Wabi Sabi Series

While deciding on the ACP shade and texture for this project, I recalled seeing the Wabi Sabi series of Aludecor. The first thing that came to my mind seeing Wabi Sabi range was that this didn’t look like conventional ACP panels at all.  The mix of natural finishes of copper patina, greyish fossil, and rustic textures, with a metallic accent, was unrivaled and exciting.

Interior cladding with Aludecor CS-07 Rugged Red of Wabi Sabi Series
Cladded with Aludecor CS-07 Rugged Red of Wabi Sabi Series

The finishes of these panels were in complete harmony with the overall look and feel of the space that we had in mind. These finishes complemented the other material perfectly and that was the primary reason for us to finalize these panels.

Read also: The Magic of Perforation Design on ACP Sheets

As for the design philosophy of the showroom, there was no precise theme. The entire place just needed a distinctive feel and look. The main component was highlighting the product on display and weaving the design around the central idea of attracting eyeballs to the displayed range.

Interior ACP sheet application at Hafele Experience Center in Hyderabad
Perspective view of Hafele Experience Center in Hyderabad

Each zone of the showroom had to highlight a specific range of products and these products were to create layering across the space. The display area and background also had to enhance the products. At a macro level, the overall element such as the floorings, walls, etc everything had to have a uniqueness and yet be in sync. Each layer has to complement each other to make a synergetic look and feel for the space.

Read also: Pinnacle House Celebrates Boundless Design & Timeless Aesthetics with Wabi Sabi

To be honest, I am completely content with my choice of using Wabi Sabi as the cladding material as the result is totally in sync with my vision.

Shades used – MA-10 Antiq Slate & CS-07 Rugged Red (4mm)
Designer Firm – KCL Design & Architecture, Mumbai
Principal Architect – Ketan Chavan
The project area of ACP sheet usage – 112 sqm

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Ar. Ketan Chavan
Principal Architect of KCL Design & Architecture, Mumbai. Alumni of Sir J.J. School of Architecture, his expertise and experience in the field of design goes back over 15 years during which he has executed an array of remarkable retail and commercials interiors across the country.
Ar. Ketan Chavan
Ar. Ketan Chavan
Principal Architect of KCL Design & Architecture, Mumbai. Alumni of Sir J.J. School of Architecture, his expertise and experience in the field of design goes back over 15 years during which he has executed an array of remarkable retail and commercials interiors across the country.
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