Thermal Insulation Performance of Rainscreen Façade


Did you know that “Lambda Value” decides the thermal performance of your building? So, you see, it is vital to strike the right chord with insulation and design when renovating an old building and installing modern concepts like RainScreen Facades.

So what is this “Lambda Value”, and why would you consider knowing about it before installing a Rainscreen Facade to your building? Read along and get enlightened!

Rainscreen Facades are well known for their thermal and acoustic insulation properties. Now, heat conductivity is significant as it provides the right amount of insulation to the building on which the Rainscreen Facade has been installed. We can measure the heat conductivity of a material by its Lambda Value. In fact, the Lambda Value is a crucial part of calculations concerning Thermal Components and their performances in a building.

We use the Greek Letter lambda ( λ) to represent the thermal/heat conductivity of any material. It is thus merely the quantity of heat which transfers through a distance in a direction, normal to a surface area at any given time due to a temperature difference. The lower the material’s Lambda Value, the better is its ability to insulate. Heating applications like Rainscreen Facades heavily depend on Lambda Value for its performance and operational evaluation. It is essential because the Lambda Value lets us choose the right type of thermal materials to reduce the energy costs of a building facility and score high on positive environmental impact.

Remember, there are a lot of facets involved when it comes to a proper building insulation system concerning the Rainscreen Facade. A proper installation of your Rainscreen System would ensure longevity and superior thermal performance of the facade.

At Aludecor, we are happy to help you install our Rainscreen Facades seamlessly. Give us a call on 1800 102 0407 or visit us HERE to opt for Aludecor’s Male Female Rainscreen System today and enjoy reduced electricity bills and effortless comfort!


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