Media facades are mesmerising to look at, especially against the dark or dimly lit skyline. Marketing strategists are gradually being inclined towards media facades and related technologies as they are impactful from the aesthetic as well as the digital marketing point of view. Besides, digital pictorial representations come alive with media facades that are originally a combination of pleasing LED lights and well-planned broadcasting. Media facades define the cityscape by reinforcing installations of digital art at the public space, while also increasing sales by at least 33% according to a marketing study. A synergy of well-executed multimedia, IT, architecture and marketing, media facades are known to be dynamic because it inevitably engages the target audience in a visual dialogue. This particular aspect has been considered as revolutionary in the digital signage space for its active influence on a potential customer base.

Media facades transform the appearance of the buildings on which it has been installed. Beautiful by the day, media facades are illuminated by the night when it gives a new look to the exterior of buildings. Besides, it also succeeds in getting the attention of the target group since it covers the entirety of buildings-even the ones with the most unorthodox shapes. It is ideal to be used as digital signage because of its lustrous and luminous appearance which surpasses magazine covers or outdoor hoardings.
Media facades enable buildings to have their own voice. With media facades, buildings can have their own identity and are able to represent themselves as corporate or other entities.
Having made its first ideological debut in the 1982 film Blade Runner, media facades are also transforming properties into tourist attractions. A group of building exteriors showcasing media façade installations certainly imbibe a dreamy charm to the ambience of any urban space. As the pictorial depictions swirl around the exterior of a building, a dreamy sequence is created in real space and time. Times Square at New York is a perfect example of this transformation as tourists from all over the world swarm around the place to have a glance at the postmodern aspect of digital art. Corporations and organizations have identified this aesthetic aspect of media façade and thus have started installing digital art all over the headquarters and other significant business locations. Building frontages that boast media facades, give a chance to companies to share their opinions on significant global events.
For example, organizations can display a message of joy or sorrow when their chosen teams lose or win a world cup match. In the age of dominant digital presence and Instagram worthy moments, organizations are well aware that the media facades which they own make a great impact on the mind of a future client base.
When tourists or pedestrians get awestruck by these digital arts and share digital footprints on the internet via social media posts, the organizations behind the media facades get free of cost publicity, thus creating interest amongst the mass on their product or service offerings.

Read also: Aludecor’s Metallic Shades of ACP Sheets are “As Good as Gold”
Aludecor’s vast range of ACP sheets is the perfect partner to innovative media facades. Signage becomes easy with Aludecor ACPs- thanks to 300 plus rage of colours. Keeping up with the latest design trends, Aludecor ACPs are available in an array of textures and finishes which would match even the most quirky brand identity. Aludecor also takes building safety as its topmost priority. Media facades are laden with a lot of electrical interference which can cause sparks leading to huge fire disasters. When clad with fire retardant ACP panels from the house of Aludecor, any media façade would be able to stop the rapid spread of fire due to short circuit accidents. Besides, Aludecor’s fire retardant Aluminium Composite Panels come with a mineral core that produces water droplets and increases moisture content to prevent the spreading of fire.

Sandwich panels that have mineral cores guarantee zero molten droplets and aids in causing minimal to no casualty risk. Aludecor also offers a wide variety of Copper Composite Panels and Zinc Composite Panels which are being used to design interesting media facades. Enriched with a team of designing experts and the Design Assist app, Aludecor goes above and beyond to help ideas turn into realities. Aludecor pledges to leave benchmark contributions in the world of digital signage, one media façade at a time.
Watch full video of Aludecor Media Façade: