On 16th April, 2018, Aludecor, the pioneer of Aluminium Composite Panels in India, launched 3mm fire-retardant ACP in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi and Chennai. Aludecor’s dealers were introduced to a product that can contribute significantly towards preventing building fire casualties in most buildings in India.

Ashok Khurana, Director General (Retd) of CPWD and Independent Director of NBCC India Ltd., who was the chief guest for the event in Delhi, launched the product. Rahul Gupta, Op
erations Director, Exova Warringtonfire, India, who was the Special Guest at the event in Delhi, shed light on the importance of fire safety and fire-retardant materials in today’s construction. Exova representatives were also present at the events in Mumbai and Chennai, and shed light on the subject too, which was appreciated by the audiences.
Aluminium Composite Panel is a product that is widely used in India today, not just for commercial exteriors, but for interiors and residential projects too. 80% of the ACP market in India belongs to 3mm ACP. By bringing affordable 3mm fire-retardant ACP in the market the company has played a crucial role in creating a fire-safe society.
Of late the world has witnessed a number of fire tragedies that have wreaked havoc on both lives and properties. India has long been reeling under the aftermath of such infernos. So making buildings fire-safe has always been a concern.
Read also: 6 Wonders of Fire Retardant ACP Cladding Sheets

However, fire rating has largely been limited to 4mm ACPs for high-priced projects only. The fire-retardant 4mm ACP of Aludecor has been very popular with the big ticket high-rises for a long time. The company arguably has the best infrastructure in India for manufacturing fire-retardant ACPs like it’s the only company in India to have in-house palletizing unit for producing the mineral core sandwiched between the two aluminium coils in an ACP. It’s the only Indian company to have in-house fire testing lab. The company even has a baby line which produces mineral core on trial that is subjected to rigorous in-house tests; only after clearing these tests a particular batch is sent for final production.
Read also: Aludecor launches India’s First A2 Grade Non-combustible MCP on its Foundation Day
Backed by this infrastructure, the R&D team of Aludecor has finally worked out fire rating for 3mm FR ACP that can be offered to the market at an affordable price.
Providing 2-hour fire resistance, the product controls flame spread and heat release. It suppresses smoke so that visions of people are not blurred while escaping. It doesn’t produce flaming droplets as well.
Addressing the dealers in Kolkata, Ashok Kumar Bhaiya, the CMD of Aludecor, said, ‘If electric cables have to be fire retardant by default today, why not building materials?’ According to Bhaiya, Fire-retardant ACP is a kind of an insurance against fire for buildings. He proudly adds: ‘This affordable 3mm FR ACP has been developed entirely in our country, at our factory in Haridwar, and it is better than any other 3mm FR ACPs in the world’.
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