Categories: Zinc Composite Panels

Can Zinc Panels be Used for Roofing Applications?

Zinc is a lightweight, non-ferrous metal par excellence that offers an efficient zinc cladding and coating solution for structures exposed to severe weather while also providing an aesthetic way to meet project requirements.

Raw zinc before any processing

Zinc composite panels create a self-protecting barrier that isolates heat from indoor spaces when in contact with humidity in the summer. Its modular panels can wrap curved shapes or be perforated according to the architectural design. They can be mixed in facades and/or ceilings through varying shades, brightness, and colours. Additionally, rain and snow effortlessly glide off its surfaces, making it a perfect choice for roofing applications.

Aludecor getting into the world of Zinc

In collaboration with NedZink, the world’s top provider of titanium rolled zinc, Aludecor is introducing solid zinc cladding to revolutionise the architecture industry – with aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly constructions. Our Solid Zinc Cladding embodies both aesthetic appeal and practicality. These unique, high-grade zinc roof sheets combine zinc and titanium, are 99.995% pure, and comply with EN 988, ASTM B69, and ISO 9001:2008 – ZN-1 grades and standards.

Read also: How to Get the Best Out of Zinc Composite Panels (Z-A)

Aludecor has adapted to the new-age demands of urban architects in order to facilitate and promote the substantial trend of modern roofing, facades, and structures, with an aim to bring changes to Indian architecture. Let’s find out how zinc panels from Aludecor can let architects delve into creating timeless architectural pieces while also being a perfect choice for roofing applications –

Highly sustainable – the lifespan of about 100 years

Unprecedented developments are taking place in a number of aspects of the building industry. Green and recyclable items are now harnessing more attention. Fortunately, people place a greater emphasis on sustainability issues, which is unquestionably one of the primary drivers of the rising demand for new-age materials. Today, zinc, in particular, is thought to be the next big thing. Zinc isn’t the future anymore, says Ashok Kr Bhaiya, Chairman & Managing Director of Aludecor. In his perspective, it’s the here and now.

Zinc metal roofing sheets have an incredible lifespan of about 100 years!

Wondering whether it rusts or not? While zinc is susceptible to corrosion, as with every other metal, it develops a patina layer as soon as it comes into contact with oxygen or carbon dioxide. Thus, when using zinc roof sheets, they are shielded from corrosion – thanks to this patina. Not only that, but this layer also helps the roof to recover itself. Every roof eventually develops dents and environmental deterioration. However, this layer naturally and without any external care fixes these dings and scratches! Not bad, huh? Moreover, there’s a little reaction between zinc and water, making it a perfect choice for roofing sheets even in highly humid marine conditions.

Completely recyclable

Zinc is a highly durable metal. Not only is it completely recyclable, but zinc cladding is exceptionally durable & maintenance-free. Zinc has the ability to mend itself and uses less energy throughout the mining and production processes than other metals, underlining why there is such a widespread and quick adoption of zinc all across the construction and roofing application industry.

Read also: Aludecor Zinc Composite Panels – A Sustainable Choice for Your Building

In fact, studies showed that zinc often lasts more than 100 years on roofs and facades and even longer in interior applications. Even though this number may vary depending on the particulars of each project, an application staying upright for close to a hundred years in hugely impressive. All elements composed of zinc can be recycled unlimitedly and in its totality while preserving its composition and its distinctive properties.

Liquid Zinc Metal
Liquid Zinc Metal at the plant

Requires less energy in manufacturing as compared to Aluminium and copper

The melting point of zinc is 419.5 °C whereas that of Aluminium and Copper is 660.3 °C and 1,085 °C respectively.

Clearly, compared to other metals, the production of zinc uses less energy. It uses roughly one-fourth as much energy as aluminium and one-third as much as copper or stainless steel. As a result, it helps save energy and reduce the overall production cost. Additionally, it can be made insulated for better energy ratings.

Extremely malleable

Zinc is exceptionally malleable. This means the metal can be used to adopt various shapes and sizes. Modern adaptations of architecture are not just limited to conventional shapes but can be straight, curved, convex, or concave, with more or less pronounced assembly requirements. With zinc composite panels, it is possible to manage and create intricate features that are impossible to achieve with other materials.

Anti-fingerprint technology with Aludecor and Nedzink collaboration

Nedzink and Aludecor have partnered to become one of India’s most prominent players in Zinc Composites. Of the many features, one of the most impressive and advanced ones is the special Pro-Tec protective coating on the back side of the panels. Not just it saves from water vapour and other substances, but it helps in protecting against wear during assembly. Also, NedZink NOVA Pro-Tec is delivered standard with an anti-fingerprint coating.

During assembly, this layer stops fingerprints from damaging the surface. If desired, a plastic foil can also be used to cover the anti-fingerprint coating as an additional layer of defence against any deterioration or contamination during processing.

Read also: Aludecor and Nedzink Join Hands to Revolutionize the Sustainable Façades in India

NedZink particularly suggests NOVA Pro-Tec for unventilated installations due to the protection it offers against water vapour.

Layered roofing application of Zinc Sheets

Easily used for getting higher LEED/GRIHA points

Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment or GRIHA attempts to quantify aspects such as energy consumption, waste generation, renewable energy adoption, etc. so as to manage, control and reduce the same to the best possible extent. When an office building complies with GRIHA standards, there is a 30% to 50% reduction in energy consumption compared to GRIHA benchmarks, a 40% to 65% reduction in building water consumption compared to GRIHA base case, and the implementation of good practices on-site at no/minimal incremental cost.

Similarly, with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building rating system developed by the United States Green Building Council (USGBC). It is the most internationally recognised sustainable building certification.

Read also: How Weather Conditions Affect The Selection of ACP Sheets

Both these certifications are easy to achieve if you work on zinc cladding because of its sustainability.

Benefits of Aludecor Zinc Solid Panels

  • Aludecor’s zinc solid panel is long-lasting and comes with high aesthetic value.
  • Given their zinc carbonate layer, these Zinc Solid Panels boast a shelf life of more than 100 years.
  • There’s little chance of staining the neighbouring areas after the application.
  • They produce clean rainwater runoff.
  • Ecologically safe cladding material with 100% recyclable qualities
  • It is recognised with 100% green certification
  • Easy to install as well as maintain
  • Excellent malleability


Did you know that in the western world, Zinc was first used by the Romans? Given the history of its use, zinc has been one of the most resourceful metals that have found its way into modern-day applications. Quality First, Purity First is the guiding principle at Aludecor. Zinc’s excellent characteristics all work in favour of contemporary architects and design consultants, making it a wonder element that Aludecor works on.

Find out more about it from the experts. Reach us at 1800 102 0407(toll-free) or fill out the enquiry form

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We are a bunch of enthusiastic Aludecorians with a passion for constant innovation. Supporters of everything new and innovative, we are always on the lookout for the latest developments concerning the architectural fraternity.
Team Aludecor

We are a bunch of enthusiastic Aludecorians with a passion for constant innovation. Supporters of everything new and innovative, we are always on the lookout for the latest developments concerning the architectural fraternity.

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