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Aludecor Timber Series ACP Sheets: Next Best to Nature

Did you know that deforestation has a direct detrimental influence on the ecosystem’s ability to maintain equilibrium? Cutting down trees for unethical wood harvesting has jeopardised biodiversity and carbon sequestration while making global warming a significant problem for our country. Despite the Government of India’s most significant efforts to raise awareness about the dangers of aggressive deforestation, India’s net deforestation rate continues to rise at an alarming rate. Deforestation rates have soared due to poaching, a lack of understanding of Mother Nature, and a reliance on non-renewable resources – but we must stop it! Yes, there are various creative approaches to switching from naturally existing trees to compounds that resemble tree bark! With our Timber Series of ACP Sheets, we’ve done just that at Aludecor.

The Aludecor Timber Series Wood-like ACP Sheetsrange brilliantly replicates the warmth and visual richness of wood. Without diminishing natural resources, you may now apply the magnificent appearance of timber to the exteriors and interiors. The architects can play around with the appearance of the facade by combining a variety of Timber series ACP Sheets with solid or metallic colours to create a unique design that is guaranteed to turn heads!

Read More About Aludecor Wood-finish ACP Panels

Advantages of Wood-finish ACPs

  • You may utilise them on both the exterior and inside of a building.
  • Easy to install
  • Borer, termite, and fungus are all resistant to these wood-textured ACP panels.
  • In comparison to genuine wood or small laminate panels, they are considerably easier to maintain and clean.
  • It can be made fire-proof, antimicrobial and anti-insect

Aludecor Timber-series ACP sheet has a diverse variety of Walnut, Teak, Beech, Maple, Cherry, and Afro woods. Aludecor’s Timber series wood-finish ACPs, in response to market demand, is now available in a variety of new design patterns that are pleasantly vibrant and clearly defined. Below are the shades:

Check Out Aludecor Timber shades here

The Aludecor Timber Series ACP Sheets, which comes in 23 shades, contributes directly to environmental protection by acting as an excellent substitute for wood in architectural projects. On request, Aludecor’s Timber-series ACP panels may be made of FR (fire-retardant), AG+ (antibacterial), Vi-Secure (Anti-microbial) or Armor (Anti-insect) variants.

Now choose from a variety of realistic natural timbers to give your creations a boost!

Start designing your dream space with Aludecor Timber Series today! Log on to or call us on our Toll-free number1800 102 0407 for FREE ACP Consultation.

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Sanchari Tarafdar
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Sanchari Tarafdar
Sanchari Tarafdar
A talented content writer with a passion for words. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, [Name] crafts engaging and impactful content that captivates readers. Their expertise lies in various niches, ensuring each piece is tailored to deliver results.
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