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7 Green Building Trends to Watch Out For in 2019

The rapid rate of Climate Change has exposed the harsh truth of Environmental Degradation, which remains both a concern and a warning for the humankind. Rampant destruction of ecosystems through deforestation, irresponsible farming and industrialization, depletion of soil, water and air have exposed the environment to degradation.

The haphazard changes in temperature, the icebergs melting at an alarming pace and the irregular patterns of rainfall call for responsible architectures that act as the habitat for the urban, the suburban and the rural mankind. Thus, the need of the hour is the concept of smart architecture, which, saves on electric bills while simultaneously helps to reduce carbon footprints with innovative ideas. The usage of environmentally friendly building materials has also remained to be the most discussed green building ideas of 2019.

Following the Green Building Trend

Green buildings are known to leave positive impacts on the environment by counteracting the negative impacts of man-made environmental degradation. A green building uplifts the lifestyle quality while also helping the residents to save on natural resources. To become identified as a green building, any architecture needs to be ecologically responsible either in its operation or its construction and involve practices that are ethical and sustainable. The design of green buildings should also be quickly adaptable to the ever-changing environment. Thus, the usage of renewable sources of energy, efficient usage of energy and resources and maintaining a good quality environment by eliminating toxic wastages are some of the salient features of green buildings. Additionally, green buildings also encourage the usage of recyclable materials as a pollution-reducing measure. Accumulated here are the seven most cost-effective green building ideas to indulge in:

Celebrating Biophilia with Green Facades

Urban spaces lack signs of greenery hampering human life, both aesthetically and physically. Vertical gardens in such scenarios would play a beneficial role to restore human health and the surrounding environment. Vertical gardens let vertical urban spaces be fully utilised to make way for green urban spaces that are capable to absorb greenhouse gases and drastically reduce the indoor and outdoor temperature of buildings. Green facades and living walls not only enliven the look of the building but also are extremely easy to maintain. Hanging gardens and vertical gardens that have been created using recycled plastic containers or bio cups add to the innovation value of green buildings.

Eco-Friendly Green Building Certifications

The environment is very closely impacted by buildings during the construction, demolition, occupancy and renovation processes. Besides, a building uses water, natural resources and also generate waste, which, make the buildings’ existence be intertwined with the ecology. Green Certifications generally act as an accolade for buildings that take measures to mitigate the adverse effects of construction on nature and the ecosystem.  Beginning in the 1990s with Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method or BREEAM, the concept of Green Certifications for buildings skyrocketed in the 2000s when the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) released a set of criteria to define the environmental performance of buildings known as the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system. Other notable Green Building certificates are awarded by Green Building Initiative (GBI) of Canada and the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC).

Buildings that receive Green Building Certifications promise to showcase energy efficient, water efficient and water conservation measures that would help to omit negative effects on the environment. They must also project environmentally responsible design and planning as well as resource efficiency and material conservation.

Lead-Free Paints with Zero Toxicity

Lead and its derivatives such as Lead Tetroxide have been used as pigments for paint since aeons. Lead surely encourages the paint to dry quicker and makes it resistant to moisture but its pros still could not overweigh its fads which accelerates toxicity in both living beings and the environment. When old Lead infused paints chip off, they crumble into microparticles and poison the water, the soil and end up as harmful residues in our food. Often, these microparticles act as catalysts to encourage delayed development, kidney damage, stunted growth and nervous system damage in human beings. Having a sweet taste, Lead- a carcinogenic element is the muse of young children who unknowingly might start chewing on chipped off paint. Following the footsteps of the League of Nations who banned Lead paints in 1921, the Government of India has also taken strict initiatives that make it mandatory for paints to contain the toxic material less than 90 ppm by volume. Leading Indian Paint and ACP brands that support a sustainable lifestyle have introduced hues that are Lead-free and contains no harmful fumes or VOC.

Self-Sustaining Net Zero Energy Buildings

Net Zero Energy buildings are technologically advanced buildings, which produce nearly the same amount of renewable energy as it consumes for sustenance throughout a year. These buildings generate almost the same amount of renewable energy on the site as the amount of energy that they have used annually. Net Zero Energy buildings consume non-renewable sources of energy and produce greenhouse gases seldom, but even if they do, they make sure to reduce the usage of the same amount of energy consumption and production of greenhouse gases throughout the year.

The Indira Paryavaran Bhawan of New Delhi has been recognised as India’s first Net Zero Energy building. Boasting water conservation features and passive solar building design, it also incorporates impressive green technologies.

Metal Composite Panel Clad Ventilated Facades for Insulation

Popularly known as Rainscreens or Double Skin Facades, MCP (Metal Composite Panel) clad Ventilated Facades go beyond only saving buildings from the harsh effects of rain and wind. Buildings that possess Ventilated Facades have shown an achievement of about 30% less HVAC electricity consumption as compared to buildings without such installations. Due to excellent heat retention properties, Ventilated Facades can keep buildings warmer even in the cold environment while significantly lowering the need to turn on room heaters.

Ventilated Facades come with two layers of facades that are separated by an air cavity. The façade at the front portion is responsible for protecting the building against the effects of the weather.

There is always a noticeable difference of temperature between the façade at the front and the one at the back of such installations. The air cavity, at the middle of the facades, plays an important role while offering heat and acoustic insulation to the building.

Mycelium as a Building material

Made from the root structure of mushrooms and fungi, Mycelium is an innovative eco-friendly material that can be used as construction materials for buildings. It is generally grown near composites of natural substances, air-dried and then moulded into insulation materials. Thanks to its flexible and lightweight nature, Mycelium can be easily fit into any shape and interiors.


Cargotecture refers to the art of transforming used shipping containers to interesting structures, commercial buildings and even residential spaces. This recyclable approach lets architects show off a medley of creativity and green building ideas. Old shipping containers are being used commercially as they are being renovated into attractive restaurants and hotels. Quicker to assemble, these containers also are cost-efficient and durable and leaves nearly no carbon footprint behind.

Read also: Biowonder Celebrates the Spirit of Lush Greenery and Biophilia

It is safe to assume that by 2020, environmental awareness would be widespread. Most nations would be supporting infrastructure that has been enriched with green techniques to counteract the adverse effects of Environmental Degradation. With green innovations being recognised every day, it is not far when the humankind would be able to balance out the damages that have devastated the environment, the flora, the fauna and the ecosystem.

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Soumanti Datta
Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.
Soumanti Datta
Soumanti Datta
Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.


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