Categories: ArchiSpeak

Towards Net Zero Energy Buildings & a Sustainable Future

Energy & Water conservation are key factors in building design over the globe.   While water is a naturally available resource, however, energy presents a challenge in terms of generation, transmission and consumption. Energy conservation has therefore been a driving factor for Green Building movement and commands largest number of credits. All subsequent versions of Green rating systems as well as Equipment/Building Energy Labelling programs by Government have progressively raised the benchmark for energy conservation.

India’s First Net Zero Energy Building. Eco Commercial Building, Noida.India’s First Net Zero Energy Building. Eco Commercial Building, Noida.
India’s First Net Zero Energy Building. Eco Commercial Building, Noida.

Globally, buildings account for over 40% of the energy produced in the world. Since the advent of Green building movement, energy conservation in buildings is regarded as low hanging fruit which presents the opportunity of lowering carbon emissions as well as minimize environmental degradation caused by burning of fossil fuels.

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Most countries are signatories to the Kigali agreement and bound by the target for lowering carbon emissions to help contain the threat to human existence due to Global warming. Both Government & United Nations (UN) have identified Refrigerants used in HVAC systems and Energy Efficiency of Buildings as the prime areas of focus to meet the commitment.

India’s Largest Net Zero Energy Office Building. MoEF’s Indira Paryavaran Bhawan

Humankind has always enjoyed the availability of abundant renewable energy sources. However, the availability of cheaper fossil fuels prevented full utilization of its potential. With growing concerns of rapidly rising, energy demand due to urbanization of third world countries which account for more than half of the global population and depleting fossil fuel reserves has once again put the focus back on harnessing renewables.

Most Developed countries have set their course towards harnessing renewable energy sources like Solar, Wind and Geothermal.

Significant investments are expected in the next decade and India is emerging as a leader in this area.

Prakriti Metro Park, New Delhi by DMRC First Net Zero Energy Park of India

The continuous reduction in building energy usage coupled with the increasing use of renewables has shifted focus towards Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) which can be potentially grid-independent.

NZEB are therefore a natural progression which starts by concentrating on Energy efficiency and thereafter evaluate the use of both onsite and offsite renewable sources. India embarked on its journey of constructing NZEB in the last decade and has an impressive line-up ranging from Offices, Home, Airport, Train/Metro Stations and Campus.

Available Rating Systems for Net Zero Energy Buildings

IGBC Net Zero Energy Buildings Rating System
LEED Zero Energy Certification

Most of NZEB score high on Green Building rating scale. However, in order to give due recognition to their unique status of grid neutrality, Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) launched a rating system for Net Zero Energy Buildings one & half years back to recognize such buildings. Internationally other Council like USGBC etc promote similar rating systems.

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In a short period, many buildings have already availed this certification which underlines the gradual shift taking place in the Construction industry. It is important to note that achieving Net Zero Energy Building status is a journey in continuous improvement of energy efficiency and hence both Design & Operations play an important role.

Shunya - First Net Zero Energy House

NZEB are also beginning of a march towards Carbon neutral economy which is the ultimate goal.

With the growing scarcity of water in most Indian cities and simultaneous burgeoning problem of waste, we are not far from the days of Net Zero Water and Net Zero Waste buildings which are crucial steps for Carbon neutrality.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is another key area that is being keenly watched by everyone in the building space.

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The Buildings will therefore evolve rapidly in the next decade as they strive to reduce the carbon footprint and the construction industry in India shall witness exciting times. There will be a need for environmental engineers, sustainability experts, water & energy conservation professionals and technology providers for smart operations. Let’s all make our contribution towards achieving this objective of a sustainable & environment friendly living in harmony with mother earth.

Ashish Rakheja
Managing Partner, AEON Consultants. Mr. Ashish Rakheja is Partner at AEON Consultants and has a post-graduate degree in Thermal Engineering from IIT Delhi with over twenty-five years of work experience. He is a seasoned Consulting Engineer who has designed over 2000 projects including Hotels, Airports, Hospitals, Retail, Residential, Commercial, High rises and Industrial projects. Mr Rakheja specializes in high-performance buildings and has been actively involved in leading design activities of electro-mechanical services for three Net Zero Energy Buildings and over forty Platinum rated green projects in India. He is spearheading the green building movement in India in capacity of role as Chairman, Technical Committee of Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and certified Trainer.
Ashish Rakheja

Managing Partner, AEON Consultants. Mr. Ashish Rakheja is Partner at AEON Consultants and has a post-graduate degree in Thermal Engineering from IIT Delhi with over twenty-five years of work experience. He is a seasoned Consulting Engineer who has designed over 2000 projects including Hotels, Airports, Hospitals, Retail, Residential, Commercial, High rises and Industrial projects. Mr Rakheja specializes in high-performance buildings and has been actively involved in leading design activities of electro-mechanical services for three Net Zero Energy Buildings and over forty Platinum rated green projects in India. He is spearheading the green building movement in India in capacity of role as Chairman, Technical Committee of Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) and certified Trainer.

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