The Surreal Magic of Aludecor Wabi Sabi ACP Sheets

Exterior ACP sheet cladding using Wabi Sabi ACP sheets

The magic of “Imperfect Beauty” has spread its charm with Aludecor’s Wabi Sabi Series of ACPs. A rustic colour palette, zen design philosophy and the scope to elevate your dream spaces into mindblowing masterpieces – the Wabi Sabi Series have every bit of ingredient to become the Star of modern aesthetics.

We invite you to take a pause and delve deeper into the world of Wabi Sabi where we celebrate the honour of time and the surreal beauty of ageing and regeneration. Beautified with Lead-free paints on recyclable Aluminium coils, Wabi Sabi Series of Aluminium Composite Panels tick all the right boxes when it comes to being the first choice for your dream designs.


Aludecor’s Wabi Sabi Series of ACPs have been curated with a passion for understated elegance and the three shades with “Patina” prefixes live up to the mark. The greenish and orange-ish oxidation layer which develops on ageing Copper has been celebrated with shades CS-01 Patina Copper, CS- 02 Patina Minted Copper and CS-03 Patina Oxidized Copper. These multichromatic shades are a perfect choice for designs that showcase the warm tones of Copper and its synonymous regal aura.


Aludecor pays tribute to classic warm hues with the Wabi Sabi ACP shades with prefixes “Rugged”. Shades CS-04 Rugged Yellow, CS-05 Rugged Orange, CS-06 Rugged Brown, and CS-07 Rugged Red bring together attractive rustic shades from the colour wheel to adorn your dream spaces. Resplendent in their appearance, these shades will look fabulous when clad on a Feature Wall while also elevating facade designs like never before.


Alluring cool tones inspired by the metal “Zinc” has played its grave purpose, thus resulting into two mesmerizing shades in the Wabi Sabi ACP Series. Shades CS-08 Fossil Zinc and CS-09 Rustiq Zinc almost look like a starry night in the background of cool Zinc based colour palette.

Read also: Aludecor Wabi Sabi Series – Beauty Inspired from Imperfections

Whether it is used for facade cladding or for building elevation, these shades are sure to be captured by the eyes of the beholder.


Reset, Restore, Regenerate – these are the three mantras behind the creation of shades MA-09 Antiq Ebony, MA-10 Antiq Slate, MA-11 Antiq Russet and MA-12 Antiq Taupe. Rich oriental colours along with sublime patterns set these shades of Aluminium Composite Panels apart. Renovate commercial spaces or add the oomph factor to residential buildings with these shades to receive never-ending compliments from onlookers.


Borrowing the French word for concrete “Béton” prefixes in Aludecor’s Wabi Sabi Series of ACPs showcase shades that are excellent for visual relief and colour mixing. We understand the importance of graphic relief and transition shades in any colour palette, and thus we have curated shades MA-01 Béton Silver, MA-02 Béton Smoke, MA-04 Béton Copper, MA-05 Béton Gold, MA-07 Béton Black and MA-08 Béton White in the Wabi Sabi ACP Series. Go ahead, play with these subtle shades and see the magic of minimalism!

Read also: Hafele’s New Experience Center In Hyderabad Dons Aludecor Wabi Sabi To Create A Vision of an Unrivaled Environment

Wabi Sabi ACPs are available in FireWall and FireWall A2 grades for unbeatable safety and protection from fire incidents. Now your dream spaces are capable of getting all-round fire-protection with our in-house produced fire grade cores. Wabi Sabi ACPs are available in AL-45, AL-43, and AL-33 grades. We source all of our raw materials from India based operations and industry giants. Our Aluminium coils are sourced from Hindalco (Aditya Birla Group) while the paints are sourced from AkzoNobel (Bangalore), Beckers (Goa) and PPG (Mumbai).

To experience the perfection of imperfect beauty with Aludecor’s Wabi Sabi Series of ACPs call us on 1800 102 0407 today or visit us HERE.

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Soumanti Datta
Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.