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The Evolution of Vi-SECURE – Antimicrobial ACP Sheet from the House of Most Innovative ACP Brand in India

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the entire world is currently facing a global catastrophe caused by a new virus revealed to be the source of a vast and quickly expanding outbreak of respiratory illness, including possibly deadly pneumonia, in Wuhan, China (starting Jan. 9, 2020).

The virus was tentatively dubbed 2019-nCoV and then given the official name SARS-CoV-2; the viral-caused illness was formally called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) by WHO. SARS-CoV-2 is a single-stranded RNA virus (with ribonucleic acid as its genetic material) with a covering or an envelope. Coronaviruses got their name from their distinctive solar corona (crown-like) appearance under an electron microscope.

The peplomers of the surface (or spike; denoted S) glycoprotein radiating from the viral lipidenvelope1 give this appearance. The SARS-CoV virion is spherical, having a diameter of 78 nm on average. SARS-CoV-2 is a delicate yet extraordinarily infectious and contagious virus that predominantly spreads from person to person worldwide. COVID-19 also spreads when an infected person sneezes or coughs and a droplet lands on a surface or item; a person who touches that surface, which has the virus on it, then touches their nose, mouth, or eyes, could pick it up.

Hygiene precautions are advised personally to avoid the transmission of disease, particularly at institutions where people come into touch with patients or infected fomites. Interrupting viral transmission is as simple as washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rubs.

Despite the notion that viruses cannot develop on non-living surfaces, recent research has shown that coronaviruses may survive for many hours to days on metal, glass, wood, walls, and plastic surfaces, regardless of how unclean or clean they appear. Though coronaviruses are relatively easy to kill with essential disinfectants, such as hydrogen peroxide (0.5%), ethanol (62-71%) or sodium hypochlorite (0.1%), the fragile envelope that covers the tiny germ must be broken. However, sanitising surfaces all of the time is nearly impractical, and it doesn’t ensure that the surface won’t become infected again.

In such a case, it’s a far better option if the surface can resist infections, making it non-sticky and/or ‘sanitise-by-itself’ by immediately neutralising contaminating pathogens, preventing the possibility of microbe transfer to the human body and subsequent spread.

The goal of our research at Aludecor was to innovate a surface coating in the ACP sheets or aluminium composite panels with a low surface energy value that would resist the spike glycoprotein from anchoring the landing surfaces of the virus, as well as to utilise active compounds that would inactivate the spike glycoprotein and viral nucleotides – what better could have worked researching on the highly advanced silver ion coating technology.

Our Research & Development team worked diligently to build an antimicrobial coating that would prevent microbes and Coronavirus.

Aludecor Vi-SECURE is a revolutionary, first-of-a-kind innovation in the ACP industry, tested by the ICMR-approved laboratory (National Forensic Sciences University) under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India. It prevents the virus from being transmitted by contact from non-living objects to living body cells.

Aludecor Vi-SECURE – Antimicrobial ACP Panel prevents replication and kills 99.99% microbes and Coronavirus. Vi-Secure Technology has become the new standard for house hygiene, with both homeowners and experts preferring it. It keeps your surface clean, allowing you to maintain the highest standards of sanitation with minimum effort.

COVID-19 pandemic has made us realise the significance of antimicrobial products in this need of the hour, prompting us to go beyond and develop COVID-proof solutions for a safer future.

However, please remember, Aludecor Vi-SECURE is not a substitute for the mandatory precautions recommended/instructed by the Government, such as wearing masks, social distancing, usage of hand sanitisers and surface hygiene practices.

To learn more about Vi-SECURE, call us on our toll-free number 1800 102 0407. You can also email us at info@aludecor.com.

Maintain hygiene for a healthy and safer future!

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Sanchari Tarafdar
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Sanchari Tarafdar
Sanchari Tarafdar
A talented content writer with a passion for words. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, [Name] crafts engaging and impactful content that captivates readers. Their expertise lies in various niches, ensuring each piece is tailored to deliver results.
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