The Space Story NIELIT (National Institute of Electronics Information Technology), New Delhi
Aludecor Product Used: Rustic Series and FireWall
Architect’s Perspective

We have used Aludecor Rustic Series in this project which gives a matt finish. The glossy shades often hurt the eye; hence we opted for the matte finish. Also, we have used Fire Retardant ACP for safety purposes. Usually, paint catches fire fast. On the contrary, the FR grade ACPs can resist fire for up to two hours.
During summers, the temperature soars up to 44 degrees in Delhi at around 1 o’clock. However, we have designed the building in such a way that it takes time for this heat to travel inside. There is a 2-inch cavity between the wall and the framework on which the ACPs are mounted. There is a buffer of hot air in this gap.
This air escapes from joints and other outlets since the façade is not completely sealed. Due to air pressure, air from outside fills up its place. This acts as a barrier against the heat. Firstly, the outside wall is 9 to 10 inches thick. Secondly, there is a 50mm cavity filled with air which is not a good conductor of heat. Moreover, energy efficient glasses have been used to minimize the glare and heat. Hence, it takes roughly 5-6 hours for the heat to get transferred inside the building. By that time, people usually leave office.
We have created a landscape as a part of the project and there is a water body in it. There is also a place for people to sit and relax. After working on the computers for long hours, people can spend some time in this area to soothe their mind and body.
Read also: Aludecor FireWall A2 Metal Composite Panels are All Set to Furnish Indian Railways Coaches
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