Friday, March 14, 2025
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HomeNewsAluminium Composite PanelsModular Kitchen- Manufactured and installed in just 7 Days

Modular Kitchen- Manufactured and installed in just 7 Days

With Aludecor, you are one step closer to re-invent your kitchen, in just a week! Let us take a quick look at the advantages of building a modular kitchen with ACPs over other traditional materials like MDF or wood.

Fast installation

Within 7-10 days’ time, a standard ACP clad modular kitchen can be manufactured and installed with all accessories, whereas with MDF or wood it takes more than a month, as it involves puttying, 2-3 coats of painting, carpentry and more


Reduced production time leads to cheaper labour and lesser production expenses by 18 to 20 percent compared to wood or plywood clad kitchens

Durable and Low-maintenance

The running cost of a wood or plywood clad kitchen is much higher, owing to the maintenance it requires. Moreover, ACP-clad kitchens are washable and last longer.

Paulose Madekkel, owner of Modern’s Modular Kitchen and Wardrobes in Kochi is shaping kitchens and wardrobes with ACPs regularly for about five years now. Aludecor’s Special Series has given him excellent results. “ACPs are readymade, require no paint or polish and are easy to install. A wardrobe can be manufactured even faster, in just four days”, says Madekkel.

Aludecor ACPs are changing the game. They are invading and converting markets that were once assumed to be marked strictly for traditional materials like wood, plywood, and stone, thanks to its emphasis on innovation.

Read also: Top 5 Materials to Build Your Kitchen Cabinets with

The company has given the market path-breaking products like Sand Finish, Rustic Finish, 3D Finish Cortina, Crinkle finish et al. Along with innovation, a dedicated awareness drive by Aludecor on possibilities of ACP has opened the doors of new sectors like the residential and interior design. Applications like a false ceiling, internal wall covering, doors, kitchens and wardrobes have become a reality.

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With years of experience in the field of TV journalism, I love to develop content that captivates the audience. I have a flair for writing about anything under the sun. And when am not doing that, I would be found either by the beach or on the mountains or happily lost in the forests without any strings attached.
With years of experience in the field of TV journalism, I love to develop content that captivates the audience. I have a flair for writing about anything under the sun. And when am not doing that, I would be found either by the beach or on the mountains or happily lost in the forests without any strings attached.


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