Saturday, March 15, 2025
Aludecor FireWall
HomeNewsAluminium Composite PanelsIntroducing Stress & Deflection Calculator of Aludecor

Introducing Stress & Deflection Calculator of Aludecor

Aludecor has introduced a new calculator for general use. This calculator can be accessed on our website

The working has been made more straightforward so that you can now check the sizes of the panels, the number of stiffeners required, and stiffener thicknesses to withstand a particular wind load.

The calculator can check the stress and deflection that the panel can withstand due to wind load. If the panel selected is not of a particular dimension or not supported well, then it can ultimately come out from its position and fall off due to excessive stress. If the deflection is higher than the range opted for by the customer, the panel will deform in shape.

In the calculator, you have to input the panel size, wind load, how it is supported, the number of stiffeners being used and the sizes of the stiffeners. You can also check the results without the stiffeners.

Below are the pictures, you may show the results of AL-45 passing 2 KPa wind load.

Parameters selected in the Aludecor Calculator
Parameters selected in the Stress Deflection calculator

Stress result
Result showing when clicked on Generate Stress

aludecor calculator deflection result
Result showing when clicked on Generate Deflection

This calculator will give a fair idea of the panel sizes and how many stiffeners should be used, but this shouldn’t be taken as the final calculation. The final calculation will come from the consultant.

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Devesh Kumar
Civil Engineer with over a decade of experience in Façade Application and Precast Concrete.
Devesh Kumar
Devesh Kumar
Civil Engineer with over a decade of experience in Façade Application and Precast Concrete.
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