Copper Composite Panels – The Anti-microbial Superhero

The omnipresence of Copper throughout the different periods of civilizations has presented to us, the inseparable importance of the metal in human society. From being praised for its malleability, high electrical and thermal conductivity to being a potent trace element in the human alimentary system – Copper has well showcased its multi-faceted personality.

Did you know that a US-based study has revealed that Copper surfaces can reduce the rate of contamination and infection by up to 58%?

In the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic, where the Nations of the World are coming together to lower the rates of infection and cross-contamination, we at Aludecor have decided to unravel the wonderful miracles that Copper surfaces of Copper Composite Panels hold within themselves!

Here's how long coronavirus lives on metal surfaces. Source: New England Journal of MedicineHere's how long coronavirus lives on metal surfaces. Source: New England Journal of Medicine
Here's how long coronavirus lives on metal surfaces. Source: New England Journal of Medicine

Copper – The Ancient “Healthy” Metal

Copper, in Ayurveda and Vedic Scriptures, has been referred to as “Tamra”. It has been advocated by the great Acharya Charaka (Ayurvedic Philosopher), to make Copper, a part of one’s daily routine (also known as Dinacharya). Ancient Indian Civilization has insisted upon storing water in Copper vessels as a measure to balance the three “doshas” (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) in the human body. The science behind it is that Copper exhibits the Oligo Dynamic Effect, which positively charges the water that has been stored into a Copper vessel. Not only does this phenomenon impart trace elements of Copper into the water, but it also inhibits microbial activities in the water. Copper-infused water contains Copper as a trace element that helps new Red Blood Cells to be formed in the human body.

Read also: Copper In Design and Architecture

The metal Copper was also celebrated amongst the Babylonians and the Egyptians. Historical archives suggest that these two Civilizations would often use Copper dust to seal and heal wounds. Copper dust was used to stop injuries from being gangrenous while also being used as an Elixir to promote health and youthful beauty. The Chinese, the Greeks and the Aztecs were all well aware of the anti-fungal and anti-microbial benefits of Copper surfaces. Ancient ointments from these Civilizations contained a healthy dosage of Copper powder. Last but not least, the famous Bordeaux Mixture (a mixture of slaked lime and Copper Sulphate) helped the French Copper workers to survive severe Cholera epidemics.

So how does Copper Surfaces of Copper Composite Panels (C-A) work?

Copper surfaces annihilate microbes faster than you can think! When a microbial particle ends up on a Copper surface, electrically charged particles, that are Copper ions, start to work by hindering the cell respiration of the microbial body. Bacterial cell membranes are punctured by Copper ions, and viral coats are destroyed in order to expose and diminish the RNA or DNA.

Copper ions kill virus bodies at such a fast rate that the virus bodies never get any chance to mutate or grow resistance to the Copper surfaces. 

Copper ions also resist bacteria from transferring resistant genes to other bacteria cells. Once the Copper ions come in contact with the bacterial body, the latter releases Hydrogen Peroxide. Now, Hydrogen Peroxide reacts with the Copper ion to produce reactive Oxygen, which directly kills the multiplying bacterial cells. Thanks to these properties, Copper surfaces are being used exhaustively in hospitals, industrial kitchens, and the pharmaceutical industry. Copper surfaces are proven to resist ESKAPE pathogens as well as MRSA. Besides, Copper surfaces are an excellent choice to be installed in high traffic areas. Copper surfaces showed a 90% reduction in live microbial bodies in busy hospitals that see a huge amount of touch surfaces and traffic, all year long.

Read also: Benefits of Using Aludecor Copper Composite Panel

Copper in the Times of Coronavirus Pandemic

The new COVID-19 Coronavirus shows a lifespan of 4 hours on Copper surfaces – lesser than that on steel, plastic or cardboard surfaces. It is thus favourable to install Copper surfaces in medical wards, Intensive Care Units, high-transfer and high-risk zones such as airports, railway stations and gyms. The similar structure of microbes such as the Norovirus and the Influenza virus can be wiped out by Copper surfaces very easily.

Aludecor’s Copper Composite Panels (C-A)

Aludecor stands to be the first Indian Company to have introduced Copper Composite Panels in the Indian Metal Cladding Industry. Aludecor’s Copper Composite Panels come in two variants – the CU-01 Copper Clear and CU-02 Copper Classic. The top layer of these Copper Composite Panels (C-A) is made of Copper while the bottom layer is made of Aluminium. These Copper Composite Panels can also be customized to fire-retardant grades for enhanced fire safety.

Glassco Laboratory Equipments Pvt. Ltd. in Ambala cladded with Aludecor Copper Composite Panels

Aludecor’s Copper Composite Panels are an excellent choice when it comes to institutions and buildings where Health and Safety are the top priorities. These Copper Composite Panels promise to offer anti-microbial, anti-virus and anti-bacterial benefits while also imparting a luxurious and premium quality appearance. Stay tuned to our next blog to know more about this miracle product!

Read also: Aludecor Copper Composite Panels – The Star Performer

Soumanti Datta
Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.
Soumanti Datta

Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.

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