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Aludecor VERV: An Info-Session Filled With Innovative Discourses

Aludecor Verv experienced a galore of appreciation at IIT’s Kharagpur Campus, where it also witnessed the participation of more than 90 students. Representing the Architecture and Regional Planning Department, the students were elated to be a part of this enlightening session. Designed to support future Architects, young thinkers and creative souls, Aludecor Verv also arranged a brief session which shed light on “The Origin of the Usage of Metal as Cladding Material”. Aludecor’s Technical Head, Mr. Devesh Kumar, walked the students through an interactive session that touched each point of History, where Metal Claddings have been used extensively to add value and beauty to buildings. A story like narration that mentioned the palaces of the Czar of Moscow, the rich Patina formation of the famous Statue of Liberty and the usage of metal claddings on World War II War Ships mesmerised the faculties and the students.

Next, Mr. Kumar brought in the issue of fire safety and how future architects can add value to their creations by abiding by the Fire Safety Measures fit for safe Architectures. By referring to the Surat Coaching Center Fire Tragedy, Mr. Kumar discussed the Fire Safety measures that would encourage maximum prevention of Fire-Incidents related damages. Besides, the Grenfell Tower Fire Incident was taken into oration, thus pointing towards the necessity of choosing the right cladding material for buildings.

HOD Professor Joy Sen PhD IIT Kharagpur

The students were also a part of a presentation which highlighted the usage of Aludecor MCPs throughout industries to build innovative claddings and beautiful facades. Owing to the high withstanding power and optimal bendability and workability of Aludecor MCP sheets, it is very much possible to clad airports, train stations and other infrastructures with Aludecor MCP sheets.

IITians at Kharagpur VERV event

An application session, next, saw the participation of HOD Professor Joy Sen along with Asst. Professor Sumana Gupta. This exciting session included within its itinerary, a live demonstration of MCP routing, cutting and bending procedures. Aludecor Verv ended with a group of happy students who promised to tune in for the next Verv session.

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Soumanti Datta
Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.
Soumanti Datta
Soumanti Datta
Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.
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