Why Buildings should Use Fire Retardant Materials

The recent major fire incidents in Mumbai and Lucknow that took place back to back are an eye-opener. Although in the Mumbai fire incident no one was injured, 5 people including a woman and her daughter staying in the Viraat International Hotel in Lucknow died in the massive fire. The fire had spread so rapidly that it moved from the Viraat International Hotel to SSJ International hotel in Lucknow. A similar incident could have taken place in the Worli fire incident since the fire had spread so much that the firemen were finding it difficult to douse the fire. It is high time we took the necessary steps to avoid such casualties.

Using fire retardant materials is one of the very essential things to do in order to make a building fire-safe. Aludecor is regarded as one of the most authentic sources of fire retardant ACP sheets, owing to its in-house palletizing unit to manufacture the mineral core used to make fire retardant ACPs and fire testing lab.

FR ACPs help minimise the risks of fire casualty by checking smoke and the spread of fire. It has fire-resistance rating of 2 hours that gives enough time to evacuate people from the fire trapped building. It won’t emit killer toxic gases and produce flaming droplets. The panels won’t come off the building when fire fighters use a fire hose to douse the flames.

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Biswapriya Nandi
Every brand has a story to tell and striving to tell that story better every single time is what I enjoy doing the most. I am also a film buff and voracious reader. And intrinsically, I love demolishing stereotypes.
Biswapriya Nandi

Every brand has a story to tell and striving to tell that story better every single time is what I enjoy doing the most. I am also a film buff and voracious reader. And intrinsically, I love demolishing stereotypes.

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