The Mehsana Urban Cooperative Bank in Gujarat sets the right example of how architecture plays a major role in upholding the gravitas of a public building and creating a conducive work environment.
Products Used: Aludecor Timber Series. TI-17 Colonial Maple (now TR-17)
It’s a public building where the concept of the working environment should be taken care of seriously to create the maximum comfort zone for those who are working.
He also considered energy saving as one of the crucial guiding factors of his design.

The team in MMP kept in mind that the design of the bank must be able to give a dignified structure. The bankers working should feel proud of their workplace. Hence, creating a pleasant, employee-friendly building was the main objective of the design.
A monument-like structure with the ground elevation was decided. The point of green architecture related to energy conservation was thought about. The control of climatic condition along with the usage of natural light was factored in too.
During the planning analysis, a serious circulation study was done. The MMP team under the able guidance of Manil Patel divided the working areas of the bank keeping in mind the employee hierarchical structure. To avoid wastage and cross-circulation, the working and utility areas were distributed accordingly. Simple space circulation mechanism was maintained throughout.
The structure is made of exposed concrete, i.e. without plaster or any application on it. This helps in saving plaster in walls, ceilings and everywhere.
Manil explained, “When you do a multi-storey structure with the exposed concrete, you club the wall and columns. It becomes a monolith structure that can impart additional strength to the structure and have certain advantages. Moreover, the screen walls were used, which increased the comfort level and reduced the overall cost.”
In order to enable materialisation of the concept of exposed concrete, one has to work with sheer discipline. Better workmanship, alignment, surface treatment, and refined treatment are required. MMP architects did it all! Screen walls were used for the following purposes:
- Better usage of the daylight.
- Provide privacy from outside.
- Achieve the mechanism of filtered light.
- Avoid over exposures to light and excessive use of curtains.
- Minimise the heat in the building. Reducing the temperature inside the building added to the increase in comfort level.
- Decrease air-conditioning load, thereby reducing the tunnels.
- Reduces cost and caters to energy saving.
Additional protection of the walls and the exterior was ensured.
A bank experiences a million footfalls a day. Working in such a tense atmosphere and dealing with the financials isn’t an easy job. Hence, the elements like air circulation, comfort level, temperature, lighting, table & chair design, and seating area environment are really essential. Keeping all these factors in mind, Manil tried to turn this otherwise small space into something that will arouse the willingness to work. The use of pleasant colours and carving out of leisure areas contributed towards creating a lively workplace.
“We were not only designing a building but a space. We were at least sure of one thing – whatever we design it should make a mark and create a difference. The bankers must feel proud of their place of work,” said Manil.
It was a challenging design to execute and MN Aluminium, the Fabricating Firm, did a splendid job!
“The architect gave me a design for the building mentioning something different and awesome needs to be created. – said Nalsarg Patel, Fabricator – MN Aluminium
The aluminium boxes that were made led to vibration even when the ACP was applied directly.
The idea and methodology of using partition were used. A hairline groove was used in fabrication. The cubicles were created with ACP by cutting the corner in 45 degrees and properly moulding it. This resembled the exact look and feel of modular furniture. It is very difficult to understand if it is laminate or ACP. Even the cement-seat structure with hard backside support was made with ACPs.
Following were achieved with this whole process:
- The cost reduced to 60% compared to real furniture, however, the strength factor was maintained. Combination of Zykron and ACP as partition decreased the cost as well.
- 80% of the work was completed at ease
- Usage of lightweight ACP complemented the furniture cutting
- Maintenance factor was eased and pest infestation factor was eliminated with the use of ACPs as they’re pest proof.
Overall, a classic and smart combination of less time, modular furniture treatment and cost-effective fabrication was followed.
The ACP usage even facilitated the easy installation of Air Conditioners. Before the installation, the load capacity was checked. 4 ACs were hung on the ACP walls to gauge the strength of the same. A proper calculation was done and the installation was done as per its strength.
An interesting combination of ACP walls and glass doors in the employee cabins ensured both strength and clear visibility.
Nalsarg said, overall the interesting usage of ACPs gave some fabulous add ons:
- Low maintenance
- No colour fading issue
- No effect of water and termites
- Modular furniture look
- Strong & Sturdy
Besides Aludecor Timber Series ACPs, Aludecor Copper composite panel has also been used inside the lift and in the two-sided main entrance of the building.
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