Aludecor AG+ Antibacterial ACP sheets – The “Safety Shield” for your Dream Spaces

In the wake of the global COVID-19 Pandemic, the most notorious aspect of the COVID-19 virus has been pointed out to be its immense power to stay active on different surfaces. These aspects increase the risk of contamination as it travels from one sickly to another. We are losing not only countrymen but also the braveheart Medical Professionals who are getting cross-contamination related infections and succumbing to death. We at Aludecor accentuate the importance of different anti-bacterial surfaces, and today we celebrate the element Silver, which has won many accolades owing to its microbe-resistant properties. Aludecor AG+ Series of Aluminium Composite Panels have the potential to emerge as the ultimate Anti-microbial Superhero. Our performance-rich AG+ Series of ACPs acts as a barricade, a “Safety Shield” between you and the harmful disease-producing agents.

Silver Being Used as an Anti-Bacterial Element – The History

The anti-microbial activities of Silver were well known to the ancient civilizations, who applied a paste, fortified with antiseptic Silver particles on open wounds. Besides, Pirates were known to toss in Silver coins into large barrels of water to yield fresh, non-contaminated aqua.

Read also: Aludecor has Launched AG+, India’s first Antibacterial ACP Sheets

The ancient Ayurveda texts, from time immemorial, have given us insights into the anti-bacterial properties of Silver. It’s true that the Indian subcontinent has many cultures that would emphasize on using only Silver utensils to feed the disabled, the sick and the newborn. The anti-bacterial properties of Silver can be further found in the abundant usage of “Bhasma”- the biologically produced Metallo-mineral Silver particles concoction. Known primarily in the Ayurvedic texts as “Rajata”, Silver has been acknowledged to diminish the activity of microbes.

Silver has been praised for its anti-bacterial properties in the Ayurveda Texts.Silver has been praised for its anti-bacterial properties in the Ayurveda Texts.
Silver has been praised for its anti-bacterial properties in the Ayurveda Texts.

Aludecor’s AG+ Series of ACPs – The Bacteria Killing Mechanism

The anti-bacterial properties of Silver are being recognized more and more as we see Silver nanoparticles being used in filtration devices, clothing fibres and home appliances. Besides, Silver is being used to treat bandages that are used for dressing wounds and catheters and other biomedical devices as a means to destroy pathogenic microbes. Silver particles are also used to combat “Superbugs” – bio mechanisms that have grown resistant to traditional antibiotic medications.

We have used Silver ions in the specially treated paint coating of the Aludecor AG+ Series of Aluminium Composite Panels. Let us dive in to understand how the Silver ions work its way through bacterial cells. The positively charged Silver ions or AG+ attach themselves to the bacterial cell wall and works by blocking the transportation of substances that is required to let the bacterial cell sustain. Next, the Silver ions reach the bacterial cells and choke the respiratory functions of the bacterial cells, thus, inhibiting energy production. The silver ions also put a stop to the bacterial cell division by destroying the DNA replication. Furthermore, Silver ions ensure to rupture the bacterial cell membrane to kill the bacteria altogether.

AG+ diminishes the harmful bacterial cells.

Aludecor’s AG+ Series of ACPs are coated with a Silver particles fortified paint coating that offers exceptional anti-bacterial protection across the material’s surface. The specially treated coating contains the efficacy of Silver ions to arrest the growth of MRSA, E.Coli, Salmonella, Legionella, Black Mould, Biofilm and other strands of Fungi.

The AG+ paint coating gets activated when it comes in contact with a damp environment (an excellent catalyst of bacterial growth).

Having cleared the 10-year accelerated ageing test, Aludecor AG+ Series of ACPs offer years after years of efficient protection for you and your loved ones.

Application Areas of Aludecor AG+ Series of ACPs

Aludecor AG+ Series of ACPs are targeted towards Hospitals, Pathological Labs, Nursing Homes, Healthcare Units and Intensive Treatment areas that require stringent safety measures. Our AG+ Series can also be installed at environments that see high amounts of traffic, such as, Pre-schools, Spa Centres, Dermatology or Cosmetology Salons, Swimming and Fitness Clubs, Gymnasiums and Changing Rooms. AG+ ACPs can also be installed in residential projects to ensure maximum protection against microbes and bacteria.

Shade Availability

Aludecor AG+ Series of ACPs are available in AL-32 Grade. The Series offers seven alluring shades which are listed below:

Aludecor also offers AG+ special coating on Solid and Metallic shades on MOQ.

Health and Environment-friendly Material

To make it extremely safe for the vulnerable groups such as newborn babies, expectant mothers, the feeble and the diseased, we at Aludecor have omitted the usage of Triclosan, which is a known carcinogenic element and endocrine disruptor. We have also not included organic anti-microbial additives and thus have ensured to resist harmful health and environmental concerns.

Read also: Copper Composite Panels – The Anti-microbial Superhero

Cleaning and Maintenance

To let the Aludecor AG+ Series of Aluminium Composite Panels last longer, we recommend you to follow our Cleaning and Maintenance Guide that guarantee the longevity of ACP surfaces.

Aludecor AG+ Series of ACPs offer unparalleled protection against disease-producing microbial entities. Boasting powerful anti-bacterial actions, it protects you and your loved ones against the most robust strains of microbes. Now is the chance to defend your dream spaces with the “Safety Shield” of Aludecor AG+ Series of ACPs.

Soumanti Datta
Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.
Soumanti Datta

Experienced in the field of Content Development, Soumanti writes about the latest developments in Architecture, Technology, and Art. She dreams of a sustainable future and is an avid supporter of eco-friendly industries.

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